Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat BreedersNorwegian Forest Cat Breeders
The Norwegian Forest Cat is an attractive cats with a pretty coat and good looks. This cute cats originated centuries ago in Northern Europe. It is known thus in its native lands as Norsk Skogkatt, meaning literally 'Norwegian Forest Cat'. Though it is a natural breed, it is neither a wild cats nor feral. In face it was quite common as a domestic cats in Norway before it was formally appreciated and recognized as a breed in Germany in the late nineteen thirties.
Pictures of Norwegian Forest CatPictures of Norwegian Forest Cat
Thought to date back to the time of the Vikings, the Norwegian Forest Cat is an old breed. References to this type of cat can be found in Norse mythology and Norwegian fairytales, but the true origins of his breed are unknown. Domestic breeding of the Norwegian Forest Cat, known as 'skogkatt' in Scandinavia, began in the 1930 by farmers, but it was not recognized as a breed until the 1970s, when breeding of 'Wegies' (a nickname derived from the word 'Norwegian') became popular.

Norwegian Forest Cat and KittensNorwegian Forest Cat and Kittens
If a Norwegian Forest Cat is not allowed to climb on a regular basis, he may become irritable or bored, which can result in destructive behaviors to alleviate the boredom. The meow of a Norwegian Forest Cat is described as not a meow, but as singing a soft melody. This is a hearty breed, though some may be prone to glycogen storage disease.